Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[Archive - Magazine: Latino Prespectives] MEChA POWER - March 2006

Latino Perspectives Magazine
March 2006

Article was on Page 46.


Gotta love those sharp, young MEChA members. The student organization is a training camp for Latino activists, and in they held a statewide conference at Phoenix College. The theme of the gathering was,  Education,  the pathway to Social Economic Reform. For those future leaders, education and handling money are keys to changing the world.
"A MEChA philosophy is that books are our bullets," says Gabriel Cruz,  a MEChista from Glendale Community College. "We're not selling out. It's more like we are buying it out."
On March 23-26, MEChA will host a national conference at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. For those who don't know, MEChA means Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztln, For more information, visit

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