Friday, August 08, 2014

[Archive News] Noisy protest greets Napolitano plan

By Gary Grado
East Valley Tribune (AZ)
January 10, 2006

As Gov. Janet Napolitano laid out her "four-point plan" Monday to curb illegal immigration, 3,000 protesters marched outside the Capitol chanting "Si se puede" or "Yes we can" — the rallying cry of immigrant farm worker activist Cesar Chavez.

The Phoenix group Immigrants without Borders organized the gathering, which at times reached noise and enthusiasm levels rivaling college football games.

Men in white T-shirts with black "Security" on them made a human chain to separate the crowd from the doors where legislators, staff and others filed out.

Gabriel Cruz, a 26-year-old Glendale Community College student wearing a T-shirt that said "Danger: Educated Chicano," skipped and hopped between the demonstrators and security chain, pumping his fist, urging the frenzy.

Demonstrations on the opening day of the Legislature tend to be festive and quiet, said Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard.

"I can't remember anything of this magnitude," Goddard said.

Illegal immigration and its associated problems have become a political hot point in recent years in Arizona and promise to become a major point of contention this year between the governor and the Republican controlled Legislature.

The chanting crowd moved to a stage set up at 17th Avenue and Adams Street, where speakers and signs dotting the crowd said they want immigrants to be recognized as a productive force that can help the American economy.

They also want an end to anti-immigrant legislation.

"Don't give up the hope," said Rep. Steve Gallardo, D-Phoenix.

Rodrigo Becerra, who owns a Phoenix construction company, handed out fliers.

"A sleeping giant is finally waking up," he said. "We're here because there's a need for our workforce and we're here to fill that need."

Gerardo Rosas, a Cave Creek landscaper whose 2-year-old son tugged on his belt to get his attention, said most illegal immigrants would rather stay in Mexico. But they cross the border to give their children a better life.

"I work for my kids, I live for my kids," he said in Spanish.

Napolitano said her $100 million plan is tough and realistic. She wants to come down hard on human smugglers and employers who hire illegal immigrants, tighten the border with more manpower and equipment, attack the fraudulent document market and go after car thieves who drive to Mexico and return with illegal immigrants. She also said she's going to keep the heat on the federal government to establish a guest worker program and allow the National Guard be posted at the border.

Cruz, a Democrat, said he saw Napolitano's proposal as just a political move.

"It's an election year," he said.

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